Frozen 2 Released! It was a fun show.

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I had the opportunity to rig Elsa in Frozen 2. Along with her mother as a child. I also got to work alongside my supervisor to try and convert our rigs from running on a single thread, to be able to run in parallel. Our technology team was able to also convert our deformers to run on the GPU. We wrote a Siggraph paper describing the work that was done. I will put it in my next post. Hope you all enjoy Frozen 2.

This is a demo we put on a display for people touring the studio to see the rigging process at Disney animation. It just shows how we start very rough and get notes to refine until we have a finished product that you see on the screen. We do this in collaboration with animation. I was lucky enough to work with Wayne Unten the supervising animator on Elsa. I learned a lot from Wayne. If you don't know his work, you should check it out here. or

This is a gift from Wayne when I rolled off the show. Very grateful to work with such a talented group. Fun show and look forward to Raya and the Last Dragon!
